Legal notice


The brands and logos appearing on this site are trademarks registered by the company Raillon de Jouvence. No license or right of use can be attributed to any of the said trademarks or logos appearing on the site. No use of these trademarks is authorized without the prior written consent of the owner. The company Raillon de Jouvence reserves the right to pursue any act of infringement of its intellectual property rights, including in the context of criminal proceedings. The reproduction of all documents published on the site is authorized only for information purposes on an exclusively private basis. Any other use of these reproductions and in particular the use for commercial purposes is expressly forbidden, except with the prior written agreement of the company Raillon de Jouvence. 


All information accessible via this site is provided as is. Raillon de Jouvence gives no guarantee, explicit or implicit, and assumes no responsibility that could result from access or use of this site including any damage or virus that could infect the computer equipment or any other property of the user. Sites outside the Raillon de Jouvence company that have a hypertext link to this site are not under the control of Raillon de Jouvence, which therefore declines all responsibility for their content. These links to other sites do not constitute, in any way, an approval or a partnership between Raillon de Jouvence and these sites, which are subject to their own terms of use and privacy protection policies. This site contains a significant amount of information. It is not a medical site. The information provided cannot in any way replace a consultation with a doctor or therapist. 


In accordance with the laws "Informatique et Libertés" n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 and n° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, this site has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (N°1703306 of September 25, 2013). In accordance with the provisions of the "Informatique et Libertés" laws, any person who has left his or her contact details or other personal information on the site has the right to access, rectify, inform or delete any personal data concerning him or her at the following address: 1 Bis Avenue Emile Zola 13170 les Pennes Mirabeau 13170

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